With decades of experience training military, law enforcement, diplomats and students, CASE is the best place for career growth and professional networking. This is a unique opportunity for security professionals and interested parties to gain first-hand insider knowledge on topics that have never been more accessible, gain professional skills and gain recognized certification. Our students are law enforcement, military, lawyers, diplomats, business leaders, IT specialists and journalists, as well as just interested people.
With the increase of high-profile data breaches, terror-sponsored cyber activity and increased nation state offensive cyber activities, it is difficult to overstate the potential impact these threats pose to an economy, national security and the critical infrastructure upon which a state relies along with the business sector.CASE recognizes these threats and offers a variety of unclassified mission-specific training programs and services as for business organizations as well as for Law Enforcement and Military. Our specialized training programs and services are conducted and delivered by CASE’s security professionals with years of accomplished U.S. and Allied Law Enforcement, Military and National Intelligence experience. Key pillars of our expertise are:• INFOSEC • CYBERSEC • DATA PROTECTION • THREAT ASSESSMENT • HARDWARE EXPLOITATION • CYBER-WARFARE • HUMAN FACTOR EXPLOITATION • COUNTER-THREAT OPERATIONS • TECHNOLOGICAL COUNTER-MEASURES • PERSONAL CYBER-AWARENESS AND PROTECTION • CYBER-CRIME • CYBER INTELLIGENCE & COUNTERINTELLIGENCEIn today’s digital age, you are more vulnerable than ever before. As an increasing number of organizations expand their digital presence and engagement on the web – enterprise systems, social media, cloud storage, web-based applications, SaaS, smart devices, personal wearable devices and more, your organization is under a serious risk to cyber criminals, foreign adversarial militaries and intelligence agencies, unsuspecting, negligent, and sometimes, criminal minded employees.
Professional education SD5 CSP
The Academy actively implements training programs at the basic and professional level of cyber security
Cyber hygiene
To raise awareness in the field of cyber security, CASE has developed a special Internet project with multimedia episodes.
Public sessions about cyber security
We actively hold public lectures around the country, which we also make available on YouTube and podcasts.
The Caucasus Academy of Security Experts is actively working to popularize the field of cyber security. We are constantly providing the public with important information about the field in the form of media, blogs, research and now video episodes. Check out our YouTube page for video episodes.
CASE Channel